Tuesday, November 25, 2014


This is my attempt at writing a Christmas style children's story for my kids, especially for the little one who just wants to be soooo big. be kind in your review I am a Santa not a writer :)

Barrett sat on the curb day after day watching his brothers ride their bikes


Barrett wanted to have a bike of his own but his mom and dad said "you are too small maybe when you get Bigger"


Barrett knew he was not too small, he was a big boy!  walking away he let out a sigh! 
Barret got an idea, an idea on how he could get a bike  


Barrett thought “maybe Santa will bring me a shiny Blue bike for Christmas”!.


Even though it was Spring  and Barrett knew Christmas was a long way away


He hurried up to his room with a pencil and some  paper to write Santa a letter


In his best words he wrote “Dear Santa, I reeeeeally would like a shiny Blue bike for Christmas so I can ride with my brothers, Love Barrett"


Barrett asked mom for an envelope, she wrote in big letters “ATTN: Santa” on the front,


Barrett filled with excitement made the long walk to the post box, reached up on his tip toes and mailed his letter off to Santa  


Months passed and as Christmas grew closer Barrett became more excited! he could not stop thinking about that shiny blue bike that he asked Santa for.


 Christmas morning finally had arrived, Barrett jumped out of bed before anyone else and ran down the stairs to see if Santa had come! He had


Under the tree was filled with beautiful packages, Barrett looked at each package with his name on it, his smile began to fade when he realized there was no shiny blue bike


Though he was disappointed, he thought to himself Maybe Santa didn't get his letter, or maybe Santa didn’t think he was big enough? Barrett felt Sad.


Mom asked " Barrett what's wrong?” Barrett said “I really wanted a shiny Blue bike so I could ride and play with my brothers” Mom gave Barrett a big hug and said maybe next Christmas.


Barrett, with a half-smile said  “ it’s ok mom, Santa has his reasons , maybe someone needed a bike more than me this year, I will play with my new toys and wait until I am bigger”


Even though Barrett knew he was big enough to ride a bike, he went to his room and decided to write another letter to Santa " Dear Santa, thank you for my new toys, I am sad because really wanted a shiny blue bike but I am happy with what you brought for me”


With dinner in the oven and presents all unwrapped, Mom asked  Barrett “Barrett do you want to put your shoes on to go outside and play”


Barrett agree'd and walked down the stairs with his letter to Santa in his hand and head slunk down low.


As Barrett opened the garage to put his shoes on he spotted something glowing


The most beautiful shiny Blue bike he could have ever imagined.


Barrett raced over to the bike, opened the card and saw the words written by Santa himself  “Barrett, thank you for your letter , sorry I had to put your shiny Blue Bike in the garage but there was no more room under the tree, be careful, love Santa


Barrett took the card and ran back in the house, swooshing past his mom and dad! Mom asked “Barrett where are you going? Don't you want to ride your new bike? Barrett said “YES but I have to do something first"


In his room Barrett opened the letter he had just written to Santa


Barrett took his pencil and added 1 more line to the letter “I knew I was big enough, Love Barrett”


Barrett  put on his helmet, smiled and he rode all day with his brothers. On his shiny blue bike


The end

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