Today marks the 30 day countdown
As it stands while I write it’s now 30 days left until
Christmas 2014! I as many of you are getting excited and amped up for the
holiday season.
I have been so impressed with the love and support that you
all have shown both on twitter and on my new Facebook page. 24,000 followers on
twitter and almost 1500 likes on Facebook so far, WOW that is way beyond my
expectations. Fundraiser sales have not materialized as I had hoped but at
least we can say we tried our best.
With a growing number of people learning about Fraser Valley
Secret Santa I have been exposed to those who display hate towards the holidays
as well, I will say that I respect the fact that people have their own opinion
but the question that I have is if you detest Christmas so much how come you
are visiting my page on a regular basis and commenting so often? let’s be clear
there have not been a ton of negative Christmas feedback I don’t want you to
think that I am inundated but there has been a few. The most common snipe that
you hear is “Grow Up” and my answer to that is why? The world that we live in
is so diluted with death, abuse, war, terror and negativity why not take a
season that brings happiness and joy to most around the world and celebrate it!
Embrace it and carry it as far as it will go to give that temporary reprieve
from the negative. Having the look of excitement on children’s faces not only Christmas
morning but for months before and months after just by simply saying the word
Santa is enough for me to continue. It’s the negative in this world that breeds
more negativity and the same would happen if people became more positive.
The reasons for me doing what I do not only at Christmas but
all year round is simply for the fact that if people continually see positive
things happen and are exposed to Random acts of kindness they just may in turn
commit a random act of kindness towards others. Prime example was the other day
I was at Tim Horton’s getting my coffee and I decided to purchase coffee for
the 3 people in line behind me, each person was pleased and thanked me but it’s
what they did that made the difference, 2 of the people put the coffee money
they were to use in the donation jar to send Children to camp and the 3rd
person took the opportunity to pay it forward and bought the person behind them
their coffee. So with one simple act of kindness we were able to create 4 smiles,
help raise money for Children’s Charity and have people we don’t even know to start
their day on a positive note. The best gift that I got from the whole
experience is that my son was with me and he saw firsthand that being kind to
others makes you feel good and can truly make a difference. I am quite sure that
solving the world’s problems is not going to happen just from purchasing someone’s
morning coffee but I think it’s a great place to start.
So the next time some tells you to “grow up” or hears
Christmas is too commercialized and so on and so on, I would say to them “
Christmas is what you make of it , it doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate
it just has to be celebrated with the ones you love, that’s why celebrating
with family, friends and the ones you care about are a gift , they are present”
as for growing up , I don’t think that will ever happen for me anyways I love
the way the season makes me feel and the joy that surrounds it. Never let the
kid in you be taken away by anyone, believe in Magic
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