Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 resolution

As one year closes we prepare to get a jump start on the next. We conjour  up resolutions that we aspire to achieve , we party like its 1999 and wake up with a sore noodle and tell ourselves " maybe I will start tomorrow instead"unfortunately that tommorow most times keeps getting pushed off .As  for me, I will be finding and setting my resolutions , but I will be staying home to prepare for the new year. Mrs Santa and I are having a wonderful meal with our 3 boys then maybe watch a movie. I asked my 9 year old what his goal for next year was and he responded with " I want to learn how to make my own video game and program computers" Me at 9, I was just wanted to walk and chew gum at the same time , I asked the 2 yr old what he wanted to do and he said "no dad , woody & buzz" ( toy story movie for the non parents ) then there was the 6yr old whose response was " I want to listen to people more " I thought wow , maybe we are on the right track until I started thinking, maybe  he was just buttering me up to get desert. I must admit I was very proud that they all had their own ideas and goals and have taken the time to think of what's important to them. 
I personally have a few goals that I would like to reach this year and I don't mind sharing with all of you. Firstly I am going to try and be more patient starting  at home with my family , this has not been an easy year for us with my health my wife's health and the loss of loved ones along with a career change , whew sometimes it felt overwhelming and amazingly frustrating. Patience with as I have to realize that it takes time to get it up and going to peak performance. And most of all patience with my fund raising ideas, I sometimes want to do so much but need to understand that at times I have to be happy with the efforts not the results. I can't force people to follow and support MY ideas , they are my own , just like my children's ideas. My wife and children  teach me so much. 
I can honestly say that I think this is going to be a great year for the Santa Family&Friends , I just have that feeling. 
I wish everyone everywhere all the best for the year to come , I promise that I will do my best to find more ways to make and create smiles on more people's faces this year , so share this , tell everyone you know and stick with Santa, let's have a magical 2015 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Letter from Santa



 To my friends around the world:

Every year on Christmas Eve I take some time to look back on what has happened in my life over the last year and what special events have taken place with my children and my wife. Its been an emotional year on many fronts.  There have been sickness and loss of loved ones. We have seen new additions to our family in the form of a rescued Chihuahua from the streets of Las Vegas named Astro. From career changes, launching of and many more events  I am happy to say that through inevitable change the constant remains, love, and the Santa family have a lot of it.  I also like to reflect on the world events that have shaped our landscape and the way that we live our daily lives. I as like so many others find myself questioning the human spirit at times , watching each day as violence escalates around the world and even right here at home in our own back yards. I believe that we have come to a tipping point in history that is about to be written.  Working together we all have a chance to tip the scales in a positive direction and bring back a renewed sense of hope and resilience. We need to stop preying on the weak, harming our fellow men and women and senselessly taking human life while believing  that equality matters and standing up for those who are down is something that will make us all successful.   This world needs our help starting one person at a time and I am ok if it was to start with me. I know there are so many good people trying to do the same and I applaud you for your efforts, we will make and be the change we want to see in the world. In the end it will not matter to anyone the color of your skin, where you live, how much you have or don’t have, or what God you have chosen as your guide ,we  all started out on this earth and will end our time with one common theme, we took our first and last breath the exact same way. I try and do my best to help others for the simplest of reasons, I am no more special than anyone else! So why shouldn’t I help those in need to experience the joys of this life that have been brought to me. I may not  have a much, more than some and less than others  but I am very fortunate to be surrounded by so much love, why not share it. I will never be a huge mega star or even be a house hold name and nor do I want to be that's why I remain a SecretSanta , but what I do inspire to be, is an inspiration.

 I have some ideas on fundraising for the coming year and hopefully they will be more successful than this year’s events have been, I know that times are hard all around but I do see things improving. This year we have been able to send packages to places as far away as Australia, Spain, Italy, England, Mexico, USA and Canada. We have given away IPads , Christmas Trees , Wristbands , Light blocks , Food for food banks , Money for animal shelters , clothes for the homeless , tickets for sporting events, gift cards and many more items.  I love when someone gets a package and posts the pictures to the internet and shares Fraser Valley Secret Santa and Team Santa with the world, it allows more people to experience a random act of kindness.

I try my best to do what I can all year long to help people out, unfortunately I can’t help everyone. With up and running, the creation of a new Facebook page growing and Twitter now closing in on 25,000 followers hopefully there will be someone or some organization that will want to join alongside Santa and continue to perform even more random acts of kindness around the world, raise money for local food banks and animal shelters  to make sure that no one ever goes hungry while trying to make people smile a little bit more because as Mrs. Santa says “you can’t cry if you are smiling”.
I hope that you will continue to follow along with FV Secret Santa all year long because the giving will continue  

From the Santa Family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas, a safe prosperous New Year filled with love and smiles. 

Santa , Mrs. Santa , B,A,T and Astro, Eva


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Smiles Kindness & Magic

As most of you know by now, when I see kindness, experience the joy of a smile or attend an event that is magical I am usually the first one to write about it and tell the world exactly what I think. I also point out the negative when I see it too. This time we have no negativity to speak of because we have experienced smiles, kindness and a magical event all in one place.

Tonight Mrs. Santa and I packed up the family and brought along Auntie Trish, Jax and Grammy Santa and headed to North Pole BC and met some amazingly talented people.

Right from the moment we walked through the door we were greeted with smiles and energy that just set the mood for the entire evening. The kids were in amazement from the first stop at the post office where the imagination was on full alert looking for the fairies and dropping a letter off for Santa. As we made our way around the venue the kids just became more and more excited and interactive with the elves truth be told I was a wee bit embarrassed when the oldest said out loud he didn't want to have an elf name but by the end of elf school he was clapping dancing and best of all smiling along with the rest.

I am sure that you have heard the story about mini Santa having a poop attack the first time he met Santa ( obviously the one who subs in for me when I am busy ) but the Santa who was at North Pole BC was amazing! 30 minutes into our adventure we had hugs and high fives for Santa from the little one. From making cookies to stuffed animals and a story from Mrs. Claus to the children, it really was a fantastic outing for the whole family.

Martin and Victoria do an amazing job with the event and the elves look, act and feel like they are having fun while working, but isn’t that what elves do anyways ? So nice to see. Reminds me of the staff at Loco Landing in Penticton and you know how much I love them.  If you have the chance stop in at the Tradex in Abbotsford and experience your own magic. Tell them Santa says hi and maybe a candy cane will come your way.  We will return next year for their Charity night festivities. Thanks for a great evening


I must make a special mention to the staff and friends of Sunrise Toyota and the Fraser valley auto mall, and every single person that helped to donate in Abbotsford  $50,000 in food and money donations for the local food bank , an amazing fundraising effort for the holiday season ! I am extremely proud to know these fine people and hope to say a personal thank you for their commitment to kindness. Great job everyone


Have a great day, Talk to you soon

Wednesday, November 26, 2014



Unfortunately It’s true I observe and celebrate the Christmas season in the way that I want to not the way YOU want me too. Since starting the Fraser Valley Secret Santa page I have seen the good, the bad and the downright ugly of how some perceive the holiday season. I have been called a Racist because I have only posted pictures of a white Santa ( SANTA IS ANY COLOR GENDER OR RACE THAT YOU SEE HIS SPIRIT TO BE ), I have been called a liar from those who have said I don’t really help people and I am just looking for attention and I have been accused of boosting my like numbers and using the food bank and social issues to do so. This I would like to address! Have I asked for more likes, yes I have and if that’s what it takes to get more people to think about donating to the Food Bank, thinking about animals and sick children and how they could use our help, I’m guilty and my job is complete, I have not FORCED anyone to like me, people do that on their own, no one has brainwashed anyone to magically love Christmas, it’s  something that everyone who’s liked this page just does.  As for Helping with fund raising efforts, it is something that I do because I feel that I need to do it, I do not force feed my feelings on anyone, I just hope some will be inspired to join in and make our communities a little bit better. So I am a little bit confused as to why there are some individuals that feel the need to try (and I stress try) to inflict their beliefs and hatred of Christmas upon me. The Santa page was set up for ME, my family and the people that choose to celebrate the holidays in the same way. If you are one of the people who do not celebrate the holidays in the same manner as my family or  thousands of others, I am sure that you can find better ways to spend your time .There are other pages that feel the same as you! please go find them. I may not be your traditional Santa and I do not feel the need to justify myself with my fundraising efforts but if you truly want to know about me take a few minutes before you start to pop off about Santa or the people that have been helped and Google Fraser Valley Secret Santa, READ MY BLOGS go on to On the Santa Space posts I try and inform everyone every time there’s a random present drop or have observed a good deed.  I may not be your run of the mill Santa, I don’t claim to be! What I am is a guy that DOES help the homeless, DOES help the hungry, DOES try and help children’s charities and simply DOES not hold a person’s skin color religion or background against them. Every person in my opinion is the same color and it’s the shade of human.  I am the first to admit that I LOVE the holiday season and what it represents peace, love, family and joy for so many and Hope to those who have none.  To those with the argument that Christmas is too commercialized and expensive, my response will always be the same, I agree but for me  it’s not about how much money you spend on gifts or how many gifts you buy it’s about being with family and friends, showing love to people that need our help. If you become broke after the holiday season that is your own fault, no one forces you to live outside your means, you have done that to yourself trying to impress people or keep up with the so called Jones’s. This is all blunt and honest and I apologize to those who may be offended by what I am saying but this is how I feel, surely some had no problem telling me how they felt when they called me a racist and a liar. Having no sponsors, I have spent countless of my own dollars over the years creating smiles running a website that helps anyone who needs a message sent or fundraiser advertised for free of charge so that it cuts down at least one of their advertising costs, or someone with a disability can try and sell there handmade arts and crafts to earn some pocket money. I am not just a pop up now for the holiday’s kind of person, I have been a Secret Santa for a long time in the Fraser valley before Facebook and Twitter and I will continue to be for many years after. I hope you continue to like and follow Santa , if you choose not to, I understand that also. I wish you all prosperity, good health and a
Very Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


This is my attempt at writing a Christmas style children's story for my kids, especially for the little one who just wants to be soooo big. be kind in your review I am a Santa not a writer :)

Barrett sat on the curb day after day watching his brothers ride their bikes


Barrett wanted to have a bike of his own but his mom and dad said "you are too small maybe when you get Bigger"


Barrett knew he was not too small, he was a big boy!  walking away he let out a sigh! 
Barret got an idea, an idea on how he could get a bike  


Barrett thought “maybe Santa will bring me a shiny Blue bike for Christmas”!.


Even though it was Spring  and Barrett knew Christmas was a long way away


He hurried up to his room with a pencil and some  paper to write Santa a letter


In his best words he wrote “Dear Santa, I reeeeeally would like a shiny Blue bike for Christmas so I can ride with my brothers, Love Barrett"


Barrett asked mom for an envelope, she wrote in big letters “ATTN: Santa” on the front,


Barrett filled with excitement made the long walk to the post box, reached up on his tip toes and mailed his letter off to Santa  


Months passed and as Christmas grew closer Barrett became more excited! he could not stop thinking about that shiny blue bike that he asked Santa for.


 Christmas morning finally had arrived, Barrett jumped out of bed before anyone else and ran down the stairs to see if Santa had come! He had


Under the tree was filled with beautiful packages, Barrett looked at each package with his name on it, his smile began to fade when he realized there was no shiny blue bike


Though he was disappointed, he thought to himself Maybe Santa didn't get his letter, or maybe Santa didn’t think he was big enough? Barrett felt Sad.


Mom asked " Barrett what's wrong?” Barrett said “I really wanted a shiny Blue bike so I could ride and play with my brothers” Mom gave Barrett a big hug and said maybe next Christmas.


Barrett, with a half-smile said  “ it’s ok mom, Santa has his reasons , maybe someone needed a bike more than me this year, I will play with my new toys and wait until I am bigger”


Even though Barrett knew he was big enough to ride a bike, he went to his room and decided to write another letter to Santa " Dear Santa, thank you for my new toys, I am sad because really wanted a shiny blue bike but I am happy with what you brought for me”


With dinner in the oven and presents all unwrapped, Mom asked  Barrett “Barrett do you want to put your shoes on to go outside and play”


Barrett agree'd and walked down the stairs with his letter to Santa in his hand and head slunk down low.


As Barrett opened the garage to put his shoes on he spotted something glowing


The most beautiful shiny Blue bike he could have ever imagined.


Barrett raced over to the bike, opened the card and saw the words written by Santa himself  “Barrett, thank you for your letter , sorry I had to put your shiny Blue Bike in the garage but there was no more room under the tree, be careful, love Santa


Barrett took the card and ran back in the house, swooshing past his mom and dad! Mom asked “Barrett where are you going? Don't you want to ride your new bike? Barrett said “YES but I have to do something first"


In his room Barrett opened the letter he had just written to Santa


Barrett took his pencil and added 1 more line to the letter “I knew I was big enough, Love Barrett”


Barrett  put on his helmet, smiled and he rode all day with his brothers. On his shiny blue bike


The end

Monday, November 24, 2014

Never Grow Up

Today marks the 30 day countdown

As it stands while I write it’s now 30 days left until Christmas 2014! I as many of you are getting excited and amped up for the holiday season.

I have been so impressed with the love and support that you all have shown both on twitter and on my new Facebook page. 24,000 followers on twitter and almost 1500 likes on Facebook so far, WOW that is way beyond my expectations. Fundraiser sales have not materialized as I had hoped but at least we can say we tried our best.

With a growing number of people learning about Fraser Valley Secret Santa I have been exposed to those who display hate towards the holidays as well, I will say that I respect the fact that people have their own opinion but the question that I have is if you detest Christmas so much how come you are visiting my page on a regular basis and commenting so often? let’s be clear there have not been a ton of negative Christmas feedback I don’t want you to think that I am inundated but there has been a few. The most common snipe that you hear is “Grow Up” and my answer to that is why? The world that we live in is so diluted with death, abuse, war, terror and negativity why not take a season that brings happiness and joy to most around the world and celebrate it! Embrace it and carry it as far as it will go to give that temporary reprieve from the negative. Having the look of excitement on children’s faces not only Christmas morning but for months before and months after just by simply saying the word Santa is enough for me to continue. It’s the negative in this world that breeds more negativity and the same would happen if people became more positive.

The reasons for me doing what I do not only at Christmas but all year round is simply for the fact that if people continually see positive things happen and are exposed to Random acts of kindness they just may in turn commit a random act of kindness towards others. Prime example was the other day I was at Tim Horton’s getting my coffee and I decided to purchase coffee for the 3 people in line behind me, each person was pleased and thanked me but it’s what they did that made the difference, 2 of the people put the coffee money they were to use in the donation jar to send Children to camp and the 3rd person took the opportunity to pay it forward and bought the person behind them their coffee. So with one simple act of kindness we were able to create 4 smiles, help raise money for Children’s Charity and have people we don’t even know to start their day on a positive note. The best gift that I got from the whole experience is that my son was with me and he saw firsthand that being kind to others makes you feel good and can truly make a difference. I am quite sure that solving the world’s problems is not going to happen just from purchasing someone’s morning coffee but I think it’s a great place to start.

So the next time some tells you to “grow up” or hears Christmas is too commercialized and so on and so on, I would say to them “ Christmas is what you make of it , it doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate it just has to be celebrated with the ones you love, that’s why celebrating with family, friends and the ones you care about are a gift , they are present” as for growing up , I don’t think that will ever happen for me anyways I love the way the season makes me feel and the joy that surrounds it. Never let the kid in you be taken away by anyone, believe in Magic   

Keep visiting and countdown with me   

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Media Power

In this week’s post I wanted to share a very special story of the power of social media and the kindness of others. Sometimes all anyone has to do is ask for help and those who are able to will and those who cannot will put you in touch with someone who can. I know that I always say “SHARE on Facebook” or “Retweet on Twitter” but it’s for a reason (most of the time) it’s to find help for those who need it. It takes nothing for us to RT and to share, a click of a button but you never know who may see and read it and be able to help when you yourself cannot.

Maybe I am different, I am not one of these people who use social media to become a Twitter Star or a Facebook celebrity, I SIMPLY WISH TO TRY AND HELP WHERE I CAN, that doesn’t just mean here in the Fraser Valley and Vancouver area but all around the world.  Here is a story that was sent to me and it shows the power and kindness of people. If you have a story that you would like to share or just feel that someone you may know in your community that deserves to be recognized for their kindness and passion for giving back just let me know, that’s what is all about  

“Hi, just wanted to share something so you understand! I have no money, I have a home and a family. I wrote a letter on Facebook to a local page telling them that I wanted some help, nothing free just help. I explained that my lovely dad has dementia and is losing his memory quickly, my mom is struggling though she is usually very strong she feels like she is losing him I remembered a long time ago she mentioned how she would like to renew her vows with my dad and it was their 50th Anniversary this year, so I asked for help, where do I start, how do I do it? On Dec 20th my mom and dad will be renewing their vows, I had three people give me enough money for the register office, I have a two tier heart cake coming made by a lady who doesn't know me, I have a room and DJ for two hours he will play quietly just enough time so we don't wear my dad out from a man I have never met, a lady handmade me some invitations I don't know her, someone is making mom a bouquet free! My parents are invited to see my husband and I renew our they think! There is the spirit of Christmas....what could I possibly need? X” DM

Don’t forget all local food drives have started for the holiday season , if you are in the Fraser valley stop in and see Mark and the staff at “SUNRISE TOYOTA” and lets help fill as many trucks as possible for the Abby food bank. They do an amazing job each year to try and donate as much as they can to make the holidays a little more special for those who are less fortunate.

Loves and hugs from the Santa Family


Friday, November 7, 2014

Major donation from Abbotsford VW

I wanted to let you all know that we had our first major donation of the holiday season today!! I am so excited. A very special thank you goes out to the staff at Abbotsford Volkswagen for their generous donation of an IPad. After learning about Fraser Valley Secret Santa and about some of the Charity projects that Mrs. Santa is working on (making burial hats and outfits for the NICU babies that unfortunately pass away) they have generously donated a very special gift to her to give away to a deserving family who would not be able to afford such an item. The  family in Aldergrove will be receiving a new iPad. For months now Mrs. Santa has been on the lookout for a laptop for the  family with no avail. These people spend most of their available free time in the community helping someone. For the last couple years I have gotten to know the  family well and have seen their generosity towards others and their commitment to helping all who need it. FOR EXAMPLE: when in passing one day through casual conversation they informed me that a friend of his mothers had passed away and they were going to help clean out the home and take the items to the thrift store for donation, the family did not have the means or the vehicle to get the job done, after several trips back and forth they discovered a woman who was digging in items that the thrift store did not want. After striking a conversation they had come to find out that this woman was previously homeless and had just been able to get her own place after years of transition but did not have anything or any more money to furnish the place. The family promptly stopped making  trips to the thrift store and made the trips to this woman’s home with all the items. after hours of moving and setting up items for someone that they did not even know,  even using some items from their own house! they were able to leave knowing that this woman could now have a place to call her own and fully furnished for the first time in a years. This is the type of people they are. In a world that seems to struggle with finding ways of showcasing the positives and will focus on the negatives (just turn on the evening news or open a newspaper ) we are glad that can be a forum for anyone who wants to tell the world just how spectacular another person is can do so.

The  family in Aldergrove we hope that you enjoy your IPad and thank you for being the spectacular and amazing people that you are and we know that you will continue to try and help others any chance that you get. It’s great to know wonderful people like you .

Monday, November 3, 2014


As the days draw closer to Christmas, (51 days to go as I write) I find myself contemplating whether or not to go on with @fvsecretsanta after the holidays. It's been an amazing run of 8 years now . I know that we have helped so many , spread a positive message and hopefully inspired some to be the change they want to see in this world. More and more I have seen a decline in the amount of donations from individuals and companies that have helped me in the past, sales of Charity items have not transpired as I would have hoped, the website is not bringing the traffic  I visioned , we could not even secure a Turkey for a needy family to enjoy a Christmas dinner yet. In all honesty it has been financially stressing trying to keep it all up. As with everything in life there is a shelf life, has FVSECRETSANTA reached its expiration date? I don't know . I used to believe that if TeamSanta had more followers it would be easier to draw attention to the causes that we're trying to help, just the opposite has happened , no interaction, no corporate donations this year and little  interest in items that people have offered up as for sale items in hopes of donating the proceeds to charity. I get it times are tough for all of us , me included and maybe that's why I am torn to wether I stay or go. So many people need help but we can not continue to do it in our own. Will I ever save the world and cure all that ails it , 100% NO and I know that, I just hope that the people who have been a part of my little piece of the world for the past 8 years are better for knowing me because I know I am a better person for getting to know all of you. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Must have #3

#3 on the santa must have list is something that every child should have . 
For years people have spend enormous amounts of energy and time on the same question " What should we do today?" #LEGO 
Now before you cock you head to the side and go "Huuh" here are some reasons why ! 
The art of building Lego is not only for children its for adults too , sitting on the floor and actually playing with your kids while allowing them to expand their imagination is something that can never get old. Lego may be expensive ( craigslist always has some for sale ) but when you factor in that it can be used over and over again , doesn't need batteries and the best part is it will never wear out. I know that I curse up and down when I seem to step on that one rouge piece that is hidden in the carpet or on the stairs when you are half asleep but I wouldn't change it for the world. Find some time to lay on the floor , help your children find that one special piece that will make their day and complete the master piece that they had envisioned , the smile that happens is priceless. Look them up on Twitter @LEGO_Group and find out all the newest and coolest kits they have available #3 on the santa must have list is something that every child should have . 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Christmas Must have #2

Christmas Must have #2
Plasma car Plasma bike

In the age of technology it's refreshing to see that there are still some toys for kids that actually allow them to use the pent up energy that comes from playing on iPads , iPods and computers. Sure it's great that kids learn how to use technology, let's face it it is how the world is headed and the earlier they learn the better off our children will be, but there is something to be said about fresh air and playing outside. The Plasma bike and plasma car are great for mobility and dexterity. Using the bodies motion to make the car go children learn balance and coordination and most of all how to have fun without being plugged in. you can find them at toy stores for about $80.00 and Amazon ships for free FYI . 🌟🌟🌟🌟 find them on Twitter @plasmacar 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Elf On a Shelf

Remember the days of Furby ? Cabbage patch kids? Parents would line up for hours maybe even days before a MUST have toy was released. Those days are long gone with the age of internet shopping and social media, all the information and buying power you need is right at your fingertips. Santa is no different but I have an advantage , I know a little about toys and gifts. First up, 

"Elf on A Shelf"
I know that this is not a new item and if you have one you will be nodding your head when I say this toy is magic. Create wonder and stimulate young imaginations. Your elf comes packed in a nice holiday box complete with his own story book. The best part is you can name your elf anything you wish ( ours name is "Porch" ) before going to sleep each night Mrs Santa and I find new places to hide Porch , give him mischievous adventures and watch with joy as the boys discover him every morning. the great part is that the children know that their elf is watching and reporting all bad manners to Santa. You can find Elf on a Shelf for around $39.99 but be quick they tend to sell out fast each year.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I love Vancouver

I love Vancouver 

In response to the Blogger who went and tried to trash a beautiful city while Claiming he is a vancouverite and a politician I ask one simple question "why hide who you are?" If it's true that you are indeed from Vancouver and in a position to be a difference maker , don't you think that you are also diminishing your ability as a leader ?YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM. If the worse thing that you have to complain about is the fact that people are choosing to get healthy then you have some serious issues. The fantastic people of vancouver are actually paying your wage is what I hate. You make me sick! As a person who is struggling with trying to pay my bills while I try and help the misfortunate in not only Vancouver but also the surrounding communities I am deeply concerned with your comments. For the people of Vancouver that love this city always be sure to never let anyone dull your sparkle , Vancouver and its people are known around the world as some of the most compassionate and kind people you will ever meet. Since I started my Secret Santa campaign almost 8 years ago I have seen 10's of thousands of people join with me to create smiles and fill food banks everywhere. Sure Vancouver may have its issues , but who doesn't? Find the positive, it helps eliminate the negativity. Show your love for this city with everyone you know and be proud of our home BEAUTIFUL VANCOUVER 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Close to my heart

Let me start by saying , being A Secret Santa is an amazing pass time for me , at times I gain tremendous joy from interacting and helping others who honestly don't know help is coming. The down fall is that maybe I expect too much from others and hope for more participation when it comes to giving back in our communities and I take it to heart. Can't tell you How many times have I heard companies and individuals say to me " let us know how we can help, we will be there" that's all fine and wonderful but when you do happen to knock on the door , there is no answer. I have spent countless hours and money to try and organize fund raisers or events that will help charities not just here in Vancouver but around the globe , some have worked , many have not
I know that people have busy schedules and life is amazingly hectic for everyone , I get it . I just hope that we as a people don't become so obsessed with amassing all that we can and forget about those who struggle to even find enough money to put food on the table for their children each night, buy living aids for there disabled children or pay for medications that they so desperately need to maintain a functioning existence in general society without being vilified for being different. The reality of our life now is that at any point in time this could be any of us.So many of us live pay check to pay check , what happens when that pay check runs out ? Just food for thought !
I am trying hard to keep going and maintained because I believe that it can be a very powerful tool to spread awareness for charities around the world , a platform that can raise money for special needs children , a place that the disabled can be proud to showcase and sell their hand made items without fear of being taken advantage of and without taking away from their $95.00  living allowance that they receive per month they attempt to live off of.
That all being said , I will jump from one soap box to another ! I am trying to plan a FOOD DRIVE  event for November in the Langley, Aldergrove, Abbotsford area, so far I have a moving company that is willing to donate a truck and personnel for the event , a local Vancouver music artist has agreed to play at the event  , now we just need to find a venue , date and a few sponsors that may be willing to make this dream of filling a truck for the food bank a reality. will also be taking monetary donations with 100% of the donations going back into buying food items that are needed.If any of you know a company or would like to donate I encourage you to do so through the donation button on
I hope everyone will buy a wristband for charity , still available and easy to do through paypal , I pay to ship the wristbands
Don't forget Grammy's stockings , each one is original and personalized to your liking only $40 + shipping
Maybe I do hold charity causes too close to heart , but that's where my heart is "People Helping People"

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

112 days to go Christmas fundraising starts today

As the seasons change, summer turns to fall and the kids are back in school most parents and grandparents will now be finding more time for themselves and time to decompress. Great example of this is Grammy Santa; she is kindly offering her time and energy to and charities to create fantastic personalized stockings. Grammy does all the cross stitch by hand while poppa sleeps in his chair or watches his DIY shows.  
Grammy has 100 designs that she does and will personalize each and every one of them with your name, your child’s name or any name you would like. Each stocking takes approximately 15-20 hours of needle point work, it’s not easy. The stockings will be going up for sale as of today! Each stocking is $40.00 + $8 shipping. These stockings will last for years and will look amazing hung throughout your home  

I am including the website address for you to look at all the designs that Grammy has . Grammy says she is working on a special stocking for a “Babies First Christmas".  Right now there are 77 stockings that are ready to go and more on the way all they need is a new name. I will have a list of the 77 designs that are completed to make it easier for you to decide.  {As fast as Grammy’s hands will let her needle point}.Grammy prides herself on making each and every stocking unique. If you are interested in one of these just see the ad on email me @ or on Twitter: @FVsecretSanta. I will also include a “People Helping People bracelet with every stocking sold. If you wish to contribute and buy a stocking please use PayPal this will ensure that you have a receipt and don't forget to include  the Name you wish to have put on the stocking . Lets help Grammy and raise even more money for a local food bank this holiday season. I have a Zip file of the stockings that are ready to go NOW , just ask for the file and have a look - first come first serve 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Internal Struggles

Life Changes
Over the past few weeks I have found myself being human, YES its true Santa has to face the same situations and curve balls that life throws at us all.
For some time there have been many issues weighing on my mind that I have been able to keep at bay and carry on with daily life like we all do. unfortunately While away on vacation for a few days with my children in Penticton I found myself unexpectedly thinking about all of the things that have happened in my life so far after hearing some bad news about a family member , I  even reached back to when I was a teenager and dealing with weight issues and my neck injury. For so long I just played everything off like it never happened, typical guy thing to do I guess. It has caught up with me. I found myself reflecting back on a previous incident that took place when I lived up north and I was asked to compromise my morals and future, I did not. Because I would not pander to the powers that be I was then put in a position of owning a new home and car, having a one year old son with issues and no money or job prospects to pay for any of it. I picked myself up went back to school and started all over again. Don’t get me wrong things are going well for me I love my job but I have found myself in a bit of a funk emotionally and not thinking clearly. Stemming back to up north and the financial bind it had put me in that I still am trying to climb out from is emotionally draining enough but with a year in my professional life that I wish I could forget, and family sickness, I just broke down. Over the past year I have had my job changed on 4 occasions and having to train the people to replace me , I had been placed in a position that I had to defend my work due to blatant disregard for someone’s safety ,plus there was an attempt to throw me under the proverbial bus  . Good thing I kept accurate notes which helped clear my name of wrong doing. Being in interview after interview while feeling guilty for what had happened (even when it wasn't my fault) with not one person from my organization come to my defense was VERY stressful,  situations that required me to use my first aid to help people from further harming themselves. More added stress. On a personal level I have been put under a lot of physical and mental pressure worrying about my son and his at times, erratic behaviors due to his issues, I worry every day, he has no friends to play with and how that will affect him socially and mentally in the future, where will he be? What will he do? All things a father wonders. Over the past few months we have been at an even greater struggle with his behaviors with absolutely no fault of his own. On 2 occasions the pharmacy that we deal with has given the wrong prescription, once he was given the pure dosage of fluoxetine that landed my son in the hospital with overdose issues. As if once was not bad enough the same pharmacy filled the wrong amount RX then gave it to someone else with a similar name. My son was given another boys medications that did not comply with his system. Unfortunately my son had a bit of a break down and had to be restrained by a neighbor until he could calm down ,not before harming his brother and mom in the process.(More Stress) then the final piece of the pie. I have been battling health issues , being told I was diabetic and have high blood pressure has been difficult after learning that it was a pre-disposition in my family ( I never knew)   once again I worry about my boys and their future should they be affected. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the news I heard regarding my mother in laws health , here is a strong woman who used to run marathons just last year , she has been diagnosed with MS with a not very favorable prognosis for the near future.  Along with my wife’s recent health issues that parallel her moms , I cracked , it got me. So as it stands I am currently off work as per doctor’s orders due to stress and burnout for the next 6-12 weeks. The moral of this story is to not to make anyone feel bad for Santa it’s to let you know no matter how tough the exterior,  inside we are all fighting a battle that most people can’t see, a battle with how to cope with life’s adventures.  I have had a rough go of things and I am making sure now that I take some time and regroup. We have to take care of ourselves. I feel bad that I am not at work, that’s just my nature but I can't help others until I help myself. My doctor has advised me to do things that will relax my mind, make me smile and that's what I intend to do! It's too bad I couldn't make a living off being Santa because at a distant second to my wife and kids it's just a part of my life that brings me joy, it makes not only me smile but so many others too. We all need to smile more.
Take care of you.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Have you ever been to Penticton?

As a summer or winter destination spot, this is the place to be! From your choice of skiing at Apex mountain or having your choice of two lakes Skaha or Okanagan lake, one at each end of town maybe 10 minutes from each other. Even if you don’t want to drive, blow up your inner tube and float the canal from lake to lake. The restaurants to ice cream shops and the many free concerts that take place all summer long you really can’t go wrong. One thing that is a must see and do is to stop in at Loco Landing. This is a place that starting with the owners Dustin and Diana and filtering all the way down to each and every one of their staff that no matter whom you are you are treated with respect and kindness. I had the honor of meeting Dustin and Diana, each one took the time to speak with me and wanted to know more about Santa and what he does and why he does it. I will admit at one point I got a wee bit emotional when discussing my wife’s journey right now and some of the plights that my son has to endure on a daily basis over his almost 9 years. These two people are teaching the young people of Penticton that there is a way to work hard while still having fun, each one of the staff that we had come in contact with were nothing but respectful and courteous, I made sure that Dustin and Diana knew my feelings on that, they already knew that of course they too had nothing but praise for each staff member and their dedication to making the best possible experience for each person that walks through the mist arches and into the park. People like Alesha who some of you may remember I tweeted about last year when she took time from her duties to help my son find the perfect way to use the monkey swing with only being able to use one arm. She actually remembered me from our last visit when the Santa Drop Doll came into conversation. This year not only were Madison and Alesha a big help but also a young lady Myra who when mini Santa was stuck high up on the Sky Trek she took the time to go up and walk him through his fear and by the end he was walking the rope bridges like a champ. Bumper boats, go Karts, mini golf does not matter how old you are it’s a great time and a great over all experience. I hope that I can talk more and learn from Dustin and Diana, as a man who is kind of struggling to find his way right now I would find them to be a big inspiration and great role models for anyone who is running a family business. These people get it, they are in the trenches setting the example and working just as hard as their staff to make work rewarding. The City of Penticton should be proud of what these people are doing for the youth in the town , giving kids a chance to shine in their community , be proud of the job they are doing while learning a valuable life skill, Hard work.  I say the words above because I admire a commitment to community, these people have it. Support this small family business the next time you are in Penticton or send them an email thanking them for employing the youth in the community each and every summer and letting them shine. I can’t wait to go back and neither can the Santa family. Thank you Loco Landing JOB VERY WELL DONE.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Time flies

Is it just me or is time flying? Middle of August already?
This has a been an extremely busy month or so for the Santa house , I am proud to say that we have purchased our new house and are very excited to be moving in at the end of this month. Our house is a wee bit of chaos at the moment but exciting none the less. Also, the start of has been a welcome addition to the busy schedule, I cannot convey into words just how excited I am with this site as I know with time and effort it will become a great tool for people to use and connect on, for spreading good will and equality all around the world. I hope that you tell your friends and help Santa build this site to amazing heights.
This month has also seen the start of the “Personalized Growth Chart” fundraiser. Word is starting to get out and we have sold a few boards so far, the pictures really do not do the charts justice. I am optimistic that once a few sell the word of mouth will get out and sales will take off and we can raise money for charities. If you do have interest in the Growth Charts just let Santa know and I will get your info , I can ship the boards anywhere that UPS goes, understandably it will cost a bit more, the extra cost for memories is Priceless.
Personalized Growth Charts
Personalized Growth Charts
The next bit of exciting news to come through the Santa house is that the latest Santa present drop was made in Langley. Santa was sitting at the Starbucks at Fraser crossing having a cool drink on a hot day. I was able to notice there was a small child with her mom and her Grandma sitting at the table next to me, it must have been fate as I overheard the child, I came to learn her name was Adeline talking about her push bike and going for a ride. I just knew that the shiny new bike that was in my car with the cobalt blue paint job and pink accents had her name on it. I spoke with Grandma and explained who I was and what Fraser Valley Secret Santa does to promote kindness and good will in the communities that surround my home. It was kind of cool because they said they had actually heard of me on the news before. So it was set Adeline was going home with a new bike. At first she was a bit overwhelmed but when I made my exit she looked me in the eyes and said “Thank you so much for my new bike, I like it”. All that I asked in return was maybe one day if the situation affords it “Pay it Forward and be kind to someone you don’t even know”. I Love making Santa Present Drops !
Santa present drop
Santa present drop

To date we have made present drops to all kinds of places
England – Australia-Germany-USA and of course my home Canada.
The last item of business is the Santa letter campaign, once again this year I will be doing ELetters to people and their children, all you have to do is send me an email on and I will try and respond as quickly as my chubby little fingers will let me. I am not charging for the Eletters but I would hope that each person that receives a letter would hit the donate button on the site for $1.00 (or however you feel like giving) all letters will generate funds for the local Christmas bureau, Let’s try and fill the food bank at Christmas. $1.00 donated to a food bank can purchase $3.00 worth of food .If you don’t have the ability to donate do not worry your child will still receive a Letter from Santa, it’s just a suggestion it’s not a requirement.
Please help Santa with his efforts to help Charities at home and in your communities.
Santa and Family.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Started with an Idea

I have had an idea for some time and now, today is the day that dream becomes reality.
Starting 7 years or so ago I just wanted to make 1 person smile because I had seen enough tears through my son’s eyes, people can be cruel to those who are different. Long before the TV news stories, twitter, or having articles published in print and on blogs I was just a guy who wanted to help those who need help , change people’s perspective on disability and find respect and equality for all, that has not changed.
  Today I want to introduce  everyone to .With the utmost gratitude I have to express a huge thank you to  Utahsites for donating time and resources towards my goal of charity awareness , in particular Damon Burton for his patience with me and the development of the site . Damon was able to take the vision that I had and make it real. , I had always wanted to have a place where people could go and find out what’s happening in their community because most times you hear of an event close to or after the fact by then it’s too late to really make an impact. Where persons with a disability could display their talents and post items they have made for sale. I have seen people take advantage of the disabled and low-ball offer them on fantastic soap stone carvings to paintings and handmade crafts, plus much more, this stops now. People that have items to sell or want to try and sell can now post and display their items FREE, they set the price they get the money if the items sell. There will also be room for ANYONE to post items for sale that agree to donate a part of the proceeds to a Charity of the month. On the site you will have the option to donate now, this will help in a Number of ways, site operation, food and warm clothes and also donations to animal shelters, all you have to do is specify upon checkout where you would like the money to go. There have also been places specified on the site to have sponsorship's for add space once again another way to generate funds for a charity.
On the site you will also be able to keep up to date on the latest Santa Space Blog, The next big Santa fund raising event and every one of the Random Santa Drops that will take place not only in my community but all around the world. I have been exploring the possibility of a number of different FVsecretsanta items that can be purchased on the site; all will have a Charity component. There is room on the site for contacting Santa directly , feel free to say hi , send me your event or simply see if there is a way we can work together and make the world a better place.
I will continually work to update the site and keep it fresh and new, with your help this could be an AMAZING opportunity for all of us to create smiles all around the world.
I have to thank my wife and Children for the understanding and patience they have in me. My wife is an amazing woman that I honestly do not know where I would be without her. Not only does Mrs. Santa have the strength to work 2 jobs, chase 3 children, find time help the local animal shelters when she can but she has to put up with me too. I love her so much and have nothing but respect and gratitude.  FVsecretSanta is important to me as it allows me to show not only my children but my community and the world compassion for others and the ability to know we can make a difference in this world through hard work, determination and never giving up on what you believe is the right thing to do.
I hope you enjoy the site and check in often, “Kindness is Contagious, Pass it on”
Twitter = @fvsecretsanta
Facebook =  FVsecretsanta
Instagram = Fvsecretsanta
Santa Space =

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Exciting times

It’s been some time since I posted to “Santa’s Space” for those of you who read on a regular basis I apologize. Over the past few weeks some exciting new events have come across the table for Fraser Valley Secret Santa, I will get to them all as this ramble goes on.

Coming soon care of, FVSecretSanta will be launching a new interactive website that will allow for the post and promotion of non profit charity events around the world and in communities in your area. My idea for the site was to give a voice for not just one charity but for all charities that need to be heard in their community. I am also hoping to get the sale board up and running on the site that would allow persons with a disability to post items they have made for sale, charities that have items for sale or individuals that are selling items that have a charitable contribution associated with the sale to anyone who may be interested. And I must add that unlike other sites FV Secret Santa will not be charging a fee for items sold – 100% of the money goes to the disabled person or charity selling the items. There will be space available for sale on the site once more funds generated from the site will be recycled back into community. Cool huh, I am very excited about this new project and I hope that all of you would help promo the site, you would be helping Charities all over the world.

The next item that I am SOOOOO excited about is the “Personalized Growth Charts” that I have been making for people, when a friend of mine said hey you should make these for everyone I thought, WHY NOT! Made from either Cherry wood or Black Walnut they are simply stunning. No more leaving marks on a wall or on a door frame and not being able to take the memories with you when you move. These boards look as good as the hardwood floor in your home. I have had people use the boards in their office, rec rooms and dens; I have even had grandmas use them in their home to mark each occasion when the grandkids come over. Whenever I sell one of these boards I am happy to say that a percentage of each growth chart sold will be donated to a local charity. If you are interested or know someone who may love one of these just send me an email or Direct message on Twitter and I will make sure that they are made and shipped to you wherever you may be (shipping charges obviously) I have also opened a paypal account to make it easier to get your growth charts made faster. The cost is $90.00 but the memories are priceless.

I wanted to mention a fantastic fundraiser that will be happening in Vancouver on September 18 at the fan club. Awesome Music and tons of fun and interactive events happening that night in the attempt to raise money for CanuckPlace children’s charity and for 60 minute kids club, tickets for the event are $25.00. if you need any information just give a quick shoutout to @malcomchrysta1 on twitter or email . I hope that you will all find some way to support this fantastic cause.

The last and final part of my rambling is in regards to the “Disabled Persons BBQ” that is happening on August 22, if you have been following FVSS for some time you know that each year in the summer the NPO that I work for has a HUGE BBQ for all of our disabled clients to attend and to have fun. Over the past 3 years I have been able to secure donations of hats, shirts, CD’s sporting tickets and various other female/ male hygiene items to give away to each and every person. I don’t see the point in having a raffle type draw and having just a select few feel like winners at this event and that is why I make sure that each and every one of the 113 clients that show up leave the BBQ feeling like winners because they are. For people who make $95.00 per month as a living allowance, anything they receive they are grateful for and cherish for a long time. So far this year I have only been able to secure 6 donations for this event, I have yet to fail in the 3 years I have been doing this so I am asking for help from all of #TeamSanta and your friends, if you know of any company that has a promotional budget and may be able to spare a donation or two please let me know. With just over 3 weeks to go I know it will be tough but we CAN do it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post and I hope that you will take just a few more seconds to share with all that you know through email or Facebook and especially with the great people of Twitter. Just because you may not know of someone who may have a donation I am sure that someone on your follow list does.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Summer BBQ 2014

Where has a whole year gone ?

It's that time already As most of you may or may not know every year the NPO that I work for plans a SUMMER BBQ for our mental health and physically disabled clients in the Vancouver and Fraser Valley area. I started a few years back trying to make sure that everyone who attends leaves with a little something instead of just a few who may get lucky with a door prize, the first year was not so great with prizes so I turned to TeamSanta for help. The generosity shown by local businesses and individuals was amazing as for the last 2 years we have been able to make sure each and every one of these special people was able to leave the BBQ feeling like a winner! Incase you were not aware most of these people receive a living allowance of $95.00 per month , can you even imagine trying to buy something as simple as a new hat or shirt and still have money for bus passes , hygiene supplies or the odd lunch at a restaurant , I can't. This is one of the main reasons why once a year I have asked for simple donations of items that most of us take for granted everyday. During last years BBQ through the amazing donation from the Vancouver Canadians Baseball club , we were able to send 6 people to see their very first professional sporting event. For these individuals it was like a dream come true. The great Country artist Bobby Wills was kind enough to send multiple signed CD's for the clients . My friends the BC Lions donated 4 tickets to a game , I have to tell you the look on the clients faces and the fact that a few players signed a team photo was priceless and a memory that they will never forget. I wish I could name everyone who donated items to the cause last year but here are a few @sunrisetoyota
Roush performance

We have 113 people attending this year and once again I hope to send these amazing people home with a little something new to call their own.if you can help or know anyone that can help please forward this Blog Post and spread the word, Team Santa is about creating smiles and positive memories for those who have a hard time doing either! The items that I look for are below
Gift cards
Sporting tickets
Female items
Hygiene items
Key chains
Or anything that you can think of.the BBQ is on August 22 this year so 2 months should give us plenty of time to make something special happen. Thanks for reading and sharing this POST with everyone you know. Send me a DM if you would like to help.
Fraser Valley Secret Santa

Friday, June 6, 2014


Warning some may find this controversial , you may not agree with Santa but the opinion is my own and in this great world we all have the right to have our own views

"GUNS" just saying the word can set off a wide range of sub topics , discussions and fierce debates! Some believe that guns should be regulated , some believe in the freedom to own carry and use guns in anyway they choose! Me I am not sure what I think could be the solution to stop the massive epidemic that is Gun violence around the world , what I do know is the mental state of some people who carry guns is outright the scariest thing that I can see. The guns are not what kills people it's the people using them that does. Playing devils advocate if the guns were not made then people couldn't use them , kind of like the chicken and the egg analogy. Every day across the world brave men and women choose to get up and spend their days and nights trying to make our world a safer place police men and women , firefighters , military personnel and lose their lives doing so. To those men and women in uniform I salute you and let you know that I thank you and my family thanks you. Not only do men and women in a service role lose their lives but innocent bystanders , children mothers fathers aunts and uncles. In the profession that I am in I incur inherent risks every day working with the mentally ill. On a daily basis I see just what a broken mind can do to a thought process and how it affects a persons actions. We as a people must work together to gain a stronger understanding of mental illness and band together to find ways to repair the fractured mind. Much of the world has a me first attitude and lives in a superficial state of mind, socially isolating people due to look , the way someone dresses , religion , color of skin and we wonder why their is so much hate and depression. If you look at a magazine , what do you see ? The perfect body , perfect hair , perfect clothes simply perfect in an imperfect world. We glorify the impossible and isolate the ones that we feel are inferior. Just because someone is different does not mean that they don't Have feelings and long for a sense of belonging. Since the dawn of time humans have been pack animals and stuck together and worked as a Family for protection and survival. Now is the time we should all get back to being a family , include everyone and stop killing each other , take back our streets help who needs help , give something as simple as a smile to a stranger , it may be the difference in them having a bad day and doing something they regret or having a fantastic day just knowing that someone out there does care. To all that have fallen and given their lives in the pursuit that I could live mine, I love you and your families for the ultimate sacrifice you have made for freedom.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

So much going on

So much has happened since my last post where do I start ?
Let's start with some personal changes! RAfter a trip to the Great Wolf lodge I started to feel ill and was very lethargic ( More than usual )  after testing and blood work I had a diagnosis of Type2 diabetes and a blood sugar that was WAY out of wack . Wouldn't say I was shocked , more confused. I don't  eat a ton of sugar based foods , I am reasonably active and have the body of a Greek God , not sure what God it is , but find one that has a big tummy and red hair :) that would be me. After some digging and talking to Granny Santa it appears that diabetes runs in our family and my Dr says I had a pre-disposition to get it and I could not have stopped it. For me yah I was not happy but the silver lining is that now the issues I was having with tiredness headaches and so on makes sense.i have made lots of life changes and am proud to say that I am now only 27lbs from meeting my own personal weight goal. Great support from my family and friends helps so much.  In lighter news
I  had a friend of mine ask me to go in a local Golf tourney, this got me thinking , a #FVSecretSantaGolfShootout could really make a difference in our community! All money raised from this tournament and auction would go to a local charity . I put the idea out there on Twitter to see who may be interested in hosting such an event and a fantastic course called "Redwoods Golf Club" in Langley stepped up and said that they would be honoured to host should I be able to pull it all together! I have played there many times , I love it .  I am currently researching into just exactly what it takes to make this a reality. I would hope that TeamSanta will help me to promote and make this event highly successful and hopefully a yearly event that can grow! I will work as hard as I can to raise sponsorship , celebrity players  and awareness for the idea of helping those in need. Having a golf tournament is a great way to meet new friends who have a big heart and will walk with you to make a difference in our communities. If you have any sponsor ideas or would be interested in playing or donating let me know , all is appreciated. Be kind to everyone you meet, you just never know who may be your next best friend.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The War Amps

Hello everyone,
I know it's been awhile since my last post and I could give you a million reasons but they would only be excuses😊.I am adjusting to my former position but once again the company I work for has mislead me and have tweeked my position.I was however approached by a competitor a couple weeks back to jump ship and go to work with them, I am still thinking about it but I am at a crossroads , I am not getting any younger , I have built up seniority and honestly I love the job I do. I am loyal to a fault sometimes and maybe that isn't the wisest decision, to work I believe that you and almost everyone is just a number , in my case and what I do I know that my clients think differently. For example a young man MS who I have written about In a previous post , he and I had to have the conversation on Friday that I have been transferred from his case again due to finding cuts, he cried and kept repeating " Not again" I feel horrible when I have to deliver news such as that because not only have we worked so long to build up a great rapport and trust he thinks of me as kind of a saviour and a voice of reason.Funding for people with a disability is so egregious and so inconsistent. My choice to move is unclear but I am leaning towards staying where I am , better to dance with the devil you know rather than the one you don't!
This past couple of weeks I have posted many tweets that relate to @thewaramps I can honestly not explain the scope of help and confidence they have instilled in my son! I am not sure that people know, all the funding that @thewaramps receives is through private donation and Keytags , no government funding is used or given. Not only do the War Amps help the children of the CHAMP program but war vets who have lost limbs or anyone who needs help due to accidents or mishaps. There were a few people from TeamSanta that made donations and for that I am greatful.i hope that people order some key tags and there is no minimum donation. If each member of team Santa was to donate just $1.00 that would make $12,500, we could buy prosthetics for as many as 4-5 people. Thank you for reading and I hope that each day is sunny and you are kind to all that you meet. @FVsecretsanta and family