Saturday, February 1, 2014

Unconditional love

Many believe that life gives you only as much as you can handle. Life must think we can handle a lot.
I am sure that some of you who do follow Santa's tweets were aware that  about a week ago Mrs Santa had what we thought was an Asthma attack, it was very scary watching my wife battle for air and not be able to help her in a moment when she needed me.sitting there helpless I can't even make her laugh ( it's just what I always do to try and lighten a situation) wanting to see that beautiful smile. Mrs Santa is not only the mother to my 3 children but my soul mate and I was truly worried for her at that moment. I tried not to let it show ,she needed me.
Fortunately the attack passed and we were sent home , unfortunately Mrs Santa has a diagnosis of of another kind other than Asthma , I will not get into the dynamics of what she has at this point but I will say we are thankful that it's nothing terminal or threatening to her life.
There were many tears and hugs from all of us, if we didn't know we loved each other before we sure do now . Mrs Santa keeps saying " Thank you for being so supportive" I just let her know that no matter what she may be dealing with , we deal with as a family and there would be nothing that she could be dealing with that would make me love her any less . Love should always be unconditional there should not be any parameters or guidelines.
Same should be said about our love for helping other people, there are so many people out there that are hurting and in need of someone to love them or at least show that someone in this world cares.
I wanted to mention that I was able to attend a conference this week that dealt with a subject that I feel is so important " Violence against women" I am sure that each and everyone who reads this knows of or has heard of a woman
Who has been a victim of violence of abuse. This cycle has to stop , we can no longer turn a blind eye. When you see or hear of abuse #DontBeABystander report it , call the police be a friend . There is a few people that I would like to thank for there efforts in taking a stand for ending violence. The @bclions @j_tonto27 @angusreid64 #JamieTaras @TravisLulay @GM_Brillo as you know the lions are an outstanding organization that have helped Santa in the past with donations for events for some of my disabled clients as well they made a dream come true for 2 clients who are wheel chair bound to come and see a game Live  that they had only experienced on TV. Mr Lulay even made time to sign the  @timhortons gift cards I had  to give to the homeless in our community so they could get shot meal. Another great example of Unconditional love . Please everyone who reads this thank all of the people listed above plus anyone else that has the courage to #DontBeABystander

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