Monday, July 18, 2016

Kindness Starts Here

Hello world:

I am pleased to announce that thanks to Redwood Plastics Corporation in Langley BC, Fraser Valley Secret Santa will  once again be able to engage in Random acts of Kindness in our communities and around the world. We will also be able to start and promote our community food bank fundraiser with the Sale of our new T shirt Line, all proceeds from sales will be directly funneled back into our local food banks. $1.00 donated has the buying power of $3.00 for a food bank.

Most people and even myself at times forget that the food banks in our cities feed just as many people in June as they would in December. With the state of our economy the way it is, the need for helping each other has never been greater.

The Act of kindness to a person you have never met is one of the most awkward things that anyone can do, especially for the first time. Most people’s first reaction when receiving a Random act of kindness is “OK why is this person doing something nice for me, and what do they want”. There does not have to be a reason, simply having the ability to make someone smile is one of the greatest gifts that you could give to anyone, and it’s free. Who knows the smile that you give to someone may be the only one they see all day. 

Over the last couple of years we have been able to create several pay it Forward scenarios, so many in Tim Hortons drive thru’ s , Starbucks gift cards that have been handed out 2 for 1 , I would give one to you and ask you to give the other to a random stranger for no reason. We have been able to give away BC Lions tickets to people just for spreading kindness , though kindness is its own reward , FVSECRETSANTA is all about acknowledgement for those who give selflessly of themselves and back to their community.

Starting in August we as a whole can give back by working together. Our new T shirt campaign will be launched, all proceeds from sales will directly be put right back into the community.  I know not everyone can afford to buy a shirt or donate to FVsecretsanta but you can help with a simple click of a Button, a follow on Twitter, get your friends to follow, a LIKE on Facebook an even as simple as talking to your friends about it, the more people that know the better chance we have of reaching our $200,000 donation goals whether that be in Gift cards for random drops, clothing items for the homeless and especially food to feed the hungry. Your ability to share kindness in this manner is easy and Priceless.

I hope to find more corporate and private sponsors as this year we will continue our “Letters from Santa” campaign, sending hand written letters and gifts all around the world. Last year we sent letters and gifts to Australia, Japan, USA , UK and Canada. 

Working together for one common goal is an amazing feat of strength , lets be strong .