Saturday, December 22, 2012


Being Secret Santa is a job that I find very challenging, exhausting at times, pressure packed but most of all rewarding. All the pressure is my own doing; I want to try and help as many as I can. I could easily walk away from what I do all year round and fade off in the sunset but when I realize that the potential of possibly inspiring people in our communities to think of others, to make the world a better place for all of our children to grow up in, I can’t.   
As I am here reflecting on all the highs and lows of this past year I keep finding myself wondering “did our hard work make a difference in even one person’s life”? The answer I came up with and you should too is “YES”. The reason I say that, my life has changed, I have seen a renewed spirit of Christmas giving not just in December but all throughout the year. I have witnessed change in attitudes of people that I could never imagine. I have seen an out pouring of support from people who I don’t even know towards people they don’t even know. Just when you think that you have lost faith in the human spirit, something happens and you can truly see just how much we all care for one another.
I have been able to meet some fantastic people through my new found social media connection and I am glad that after 5 years of being a secret person in our communities I have been able to share the events of my daily life and have YOU, the followers be a contributor to the cause. Some of you have met me and agreed to keep my identity secret and I thank you for that, it will never be about me, it will always be about who we can help. For the people who have met me you can vouch that I am just a normal guy, not rich just a white collar guy that gets up for work every day just like each and every one of you do. That is what makes this job great! Anyone can do it, YES that means you!
As you may or may not know a lot of what I do comes from my own pocket I would like to send a special thanks to some people for making my job as FVSS easier.
·         Tim Horton’s – gift cards
·         Sunrise Toyota – hats mittens and toques for the homeless/ food drives  
·         BC Lions – tickets for 2 disabled persons to attend a game – various items
·         Scott Rintoul and Team 1040 – give away prizes
·         Rocky’s tree farm – generous donations to the disabled
The people and organizations mentioned do so much for our community and should be recognized for their efforts. You all make a positive impact. THANK YOU
The last one I would like to thank is my amazing and special wife and family who stand behind me and support what I do. Even though my children do not know who FVSS is and what daddy does, I make sure that they are involved and help to donate at times to learn about the spirit of giving.
It has been a tough year in the Santa household at times with Mrs. Santa off having a baby and struggling with a horrible EI decision on her maternity benefits. (All finally worker out now)The great thing about Family is that we all stuck together and made the best of what we had.I could not ask for a better mother to my children. I am so proud of my boys and the strides that they have taken to becoming young men. My oldest son who is 7 went from being moved from 5 different schools and being a boy that people said couldn’t be taught to a straight “A” student in his new school. My 4 year old has gone from daddy’s baby to being a respectful young man who now is attending pre-school and finally starting to enjoy it! along with developing a fantastic personality. My 5 month old is just a happy baby who fills each day with smiles and laughter. I truly am the luckiest man in the world. The FVSS household suffered a huge loss this year when one of our animal family members passed, our Great Dane Portia will be sorely missed by the family and her friend Bailee, she was an amazing animal. We do have a new addition for Bailee to play with, Shelby is a 5 month old Great Dane, and the two have become close friends and play a lot.  
There are so many drops and donations, avocations and promotion of charities and worthy causes that I simply could not name them all. I do know that I am proud to say that the followers of FVSS have played a role in each one of them; I thank you all for that.
So often the holiday season ends and people go back to the reality of life and the duties of our busy lives. I would hope for the New Year that you all will continue to follow FVSS and get the people you know to join with me to create smiles, hope and happiness for the people in our communities and around the world all year long.
For all who read this I truly wish you and your family a magical Christmas and a very Happy New Year
And always remember
“It’s not what’s under the tree during the holidays; it’s about the people who are surrounding it”
Love and Joy to everyone


Monday, December 3, 2012

One persons actions

I will start this week by letting people know just how disappointed I was to wake up and find that some of my yard art for my Christmas display was stolen. You run a mix of emotions when you have items stolen, anger, violation then it moves to sadness and now I have started to feel sympathy for the people responsible.
I can understand that there are some that would love to have Holiday displays and make their yards look festive but just can’t afford it. Some must feel jilted when seeing a large display and thinking why can’t I afford to do that. What these people do not realize is that it has taken me years buying one or two items at a time, building my own props with sheets of plywood, saws and paint. The one thing the thieves have not taken is the memories that I have of setting up the display with my children and seeing how excited they get when the items are going up. I create my holiday displays for others enjoyment and to try and help a charity or two, not to show off how many items I have.
If there was someone in my neighborhood that would like to create a display I would gladly give them the stencils or help them to create a magical place that people would drive by and say “WOW”. I will not have the time or money to replace the items this year but mark my words I will put up a display even bigger next year and I will not be deterred from creating smiles and holiday joy for children and people everywhere.
The silver lining of the events this morning is that I am truly seeing the compassion and good will of the people in this world. I have had offers of help from as far away as Africa, this I find amazing. That is better to me than a display, knowing that there is so much good in this world and that because of one person’s actions a large group of people can join together for common good.
When something like this happens, sure I run the emotional marathon as anyone else but I always calm down, step back and think of the possibilities that could have lead someone to steal. The conclusion I am convincing myself is “they stole the items to use and make their kids smile” and in the end is that not exactly what I am trying to do?
Moral of today’s BLOG

We can always find a silver lining in every situation we just have to take the time to look for it!

Thank you everyone for your support and I wish everyone and their families a very festive and enjoyable holiday season.
Merry Christmas
Santa, Mrs. Santa and the 3 elves

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Remembering the fallen.
To give your life for your country is one of the most noble and courageous things that you can do. I am positive that each and every one of use is affected in some way by having a family member serving in a war present day or in the past.
Every spring for a couple weeks We are encouraged to wear the poppy as a symbol of our appreciation for the men and women who have served in various conflicts around the world over the last century and beyond. I have the feeling that a couple weeks is not enough to honor those who risked their lives and lost so that I would be able to be free to write these words each week.
I was appalled and disgusted by a news story this week that informed us of people stealing the poppy donation boxes from various locations and from various cities in our communities. Do the cowards that stole these boxes realize that the funds generated by the poppy program are used to support the men and women who have been injured, have lost limbs or have had to endure the traumatic event of losing a family member who fought for the freedom of our basic rights? I may be in the minority but I do believe that the persons responsible for this act should be called out in the public and be made to learn, study and educate  the youth of our country on  just who the real HEROES are.
Let’s not forget our veterans who have come home injured and seem to be left on their own and only get our recognition once per year. No person who has fought for my freedom and who has given me the ability to choose my own path in life will ever be forgotten. I encourage you to do the same. If you pass a veteran on the street or encounter someone in your daily travels simply say “thank you”  
The greatest man that I ever knew W Moir, my grandfather was a veteran.  Even before he passed this man was proud of his efforts during the WAR, not because he loved to fight, because he was able to see his children & grandchildren grow up in a land that valued opinions, cared for the poor and not just the affluent while enjoying the ability to live free. He and the countless others did not fight for themselves they fought for you, me and our children.
 Although we may not always agree with the reasons for conflict, let’s not have the brave men and women who are in harm’s way be the ire of frustration. Embrace our men and women service personnel let them know you are proud of them as HEROES.
To the entire veteran population in Canada and countries around the world I extend a big thank you

Thursday, November 1, 2012


There is one word in the English language that can stir up more emotions than Oprah's book of the month. This word can make you angry,frustrated,happy,sad,proud,cry,laugh and grateful just when spoken,it's all in the interpretation.The word I am talking about is Family.
I am not sure how you feel about your family but mine is all the above plus a few more.This is a normal feeling.
Seeing Granny Santa this week has made me realize that the moments that we have with our families should be cherished and remembered.
I was thinking back to when I was young and how I wanted to be on my own left alone with no rules no responsibilities,man have times changed! As I grow older I find myself thinking more about granny Santa and what she has taught me.The life's lessons that a mother or father can teach and In still in you at a young age are key and last a life time .
As I raise my own kids I understand what granny was trying to teach me ,respect ,freedom of independent thinking and the ability to make my own mistakes.My sons are at an age that they can express how they feel and we encourage many of the worlds brightest minds are silenced because people don't take the time to listen.I am not saying that my kids are the next Einsteins of the age,but they just may have an idea that could lead to peace or a cure for Cancer you never know.
I watch Mrs Santa as she raises my children and I think I am a very lucky man to have a patient and caring woman who shares the same values as I do surrounding our children.
Mothers around the world have the most thankless and difficult job and deserved to be recognized more than once a year with burn toast and concentrated orange juice in bed!
I want to personally thank not only my mom and my wife but all mothers around the world for being the most amazing and special people ever placed on this earth.
Even if you have the gamut of emotions towards your mom call her or see her when ever you can and tell them you love them.
I love the mother of my children and the mother of me .

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why do we Bully ?

As most of you know when I was younger I had a serious neck accident and from that point on I became overweight due to the inability to be able to work out from pain and migraine headaches. I was teased and bullied and fortunately I overcame the hurt with the assistance of a strong family and 2 of the best friends you could ever imagine. Just knowing that I had someone to depend on that would not judge me for my actions and just love me for who I am was KEY.Be that person for someone. There came a point as I matured that I realized that I don’t care what others think of me this is who I am , and not to sound full of conceit , I love who I am. You know not one person ever asked me why I was the size I was and just assumed that I was an over eater.
Life is all about options and the choices that we ultimately make every day we are alive. One choice that’s made every day for the wrong reasons is the choice to become a bully. So often you hear of people that have taken their own life due to the actions of others. The case of a young girl Amanda Todd comes to mind. She made a poor choice to bear her breasts on the internet, because of the impulsive action this young beautiful woman was ridiculed mentally tortured, beaten up and eventually took her own life. Why are we so cruel? Have we all not made mistakes? It is heartbreaking to know that the same people that you see on a daily basis could play a HUGE part of someone wanting to live or die. Please view Amanda’s story
You may remember that I am a mental health worker who also works with persons with all different disabilities’. On a daily basis I am subject to seeing the teasing, the stares, and the giggles and hear the whispers towards my clients.  Some of my clients do not have the capacity to understand what is being said or are oblivious to the stares, fortunately I am not. I become thoroughly disgusted at the way those persons who are different, people who have made mistakes and persons who just want to be different and express themselves in various ways whether it be clothing or sexual orientation. Who are we to judge? Next time you see a man in a wheelchair rolling down the street don’t assume “oh he’s retarded” think to yourself I wonder what could have happened? case in point there was a man at the football game that I attended that actually asked me what it was like to work with “retards” I kindly informed the man that this “person I am with tonight was struck by a Drunk driver and has irreparable brain trauma has lost his home , kids wife and entire way of life. I also said to the man that “he is one of the smartest individuals with the most heart I have ever met and he intends to walk and talk again just as you and I do”. in closing to the fine gentleman “when he does walk again I would love for him to meet you on the street and you call him to his face a Retard, have a great night and enjoy the game”.
Is the way we act a product of upbringing? Mob mentality, the overwhelming desire to be part of the IT crowd? Be happy to be you! Each and every person on this earth is an amazing human being who deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. If others don’t love you or say that everyone hates you! Tell them that is not true because FVsecretsanata loves you just the way you are!
Please support the following           all avenues that support NO hate and suicide prevention.
Be kind to one another life is short enough as it is

Friday, October 5, 2012

Special Thanks to Special People

Well hello everyone:
As I sit here and write this week’s post I am reminded and humbled on how #FVsecretsanta got started on twitter with my first 2 follower’s @gypsy_mamma and @kiatopia. Due to the belief of these two fine people FVSS has now grown to over 600 followers and have had a donation from @timhortons of 10x$10.00 gift cards, hats and team photos from the @bclions and just found out the other day a very generous donation from an anonymous follower who sent money to @ronaldMcDonaldhouse because of FVSS and will be sending money direct to a Santa Charity of choice. And countless people are performing Random Acts of Kindness. Thank you
Because of the generosity of others I have the chance this week to take 2 individuals to their first professional sporting event on Saturday night. The @bclions  have been so gracious in helping me to make this a special event for these gentlemen by arranging seating for them and their attendants (thanks LISA). I would like to thank Travis Lulay , Adam Bighill and Geroy Simon for taking a few moments to sign a team photo and personalize the autograph for my clients. As big fans of the sport but no funds to purchase tickets I know that this will be an event they will never forget.
Just as a small example to explain why these gentlemen cannot afford to go to sporting events or many community events at all. One of the clients I will be taking to the game is a fantastic 27 year old man with Cerebral Palsy, this man has seen his share of obstacle’s in his life and with the government cut backs, he remains in a home that he is supported and loved but now receives what is called comfort funds in the Total of $12.02 per month for activities. This is no joke but I am not sure who of us can live on $12.02 per month. So when you see me trying to fund raise and gather tickets or event passes this is why I am trying. Most persons with mental health or in the care of the ministry receive a maximum of $95.00 per month to live.
This week with the help of Tim Horton’s we have been able to Drop cards off to unsuspecting people in the community. I was able to meet with Travis Lulay and he has signed a couple of the cards so that the persons receiving them get a special extra bonus and maybe a smile that is a wee bit larger.
I have also tried to promote a Charity hockey game that will be taking place called Kevin Bieksa and Buddies
The money will be donated to Canuck Place, fantastic event and a great cause. The NHL strike has not just affected us as the viewers and fans, but also the staff at the arenas, surrounding businesses and the local charities that hockey supports. Let’s not make the children suffer no matter whose side you are on in the NHL debate, please support this cause. @kbieksa3 follow him and keep updated on this game or possible games in your area to help local charities.
I will personally donate $100 to the @canuckplace on behalf of FVsecretsanta and friends when my follow account gets to 1000. Help us get there for charity.
The weather is starting to turn cold I would encourage everyone to have a quick look through your closets for any blankets or warm clothes that you may not wear anymore and find a shelter or drop off center to donate. Giving back is the best way to ensure that people don’t give up!
Thanks everyone and I truly hope that you all Build a Great week. Find someone you love and tell them they are an important piece of your life’s puzzle.